Today I see a different East End, one that lacks opportunities for the people. The young lack employment opportunities, the district suffers from lack of sustainable development, and crime has become a major concern for our small community.

For these reasons I have decided to put myself forward to represent the People of East End. I have a genuine desire to serve and make a difference in the lives of my people by influencing and changing policies that positively impact our community.

After sixteen years of the same leadership resulting in social stagnation and lack of economic development in the district, East Ender’s are now ready for change. We have two clear choices before us in the upcoming general elections- either we seize the opportunity to change for the better or have more of the same.

As the elected representative for East End I will work hard to ensure that our district issues get the attention needed until resolved. I believe in being proactive rather than reactive and will be seeking to implement plans, with the help of the community, to help East End move forward for the better.

I urge all residents of East End to visit my website ( ) to get more information and get involved in with our campaign. Alternatively a campaign team member including myself can be reached at (345) 928-2017 to provide further information.

Let’s move East End forward with change for a better tomorrow!