Our children are the future of our beloved district and one day they will be responsible for the district’s stewardship just as we are doing today. We want the best for our children and the best education possible, as we know it increases the chances of them having greater success in life. It is for this reason that as a community we have to ensure that we strive for our East End Primary School to be one of, if not, the best primary school in the country. Research shows that a good start in early childhood learning and development impacts lifelong learning of a child right into adulthood. Our children deserve the best and it is up to us to make certain that our children receive quality early years education by supporting our primary school, the principal and the teachers given responsibility over our children.

We want the best for our children and the best education possible, as we know it increases the chances of them having greater success in life.

As your elected representative I will:

  • Work with the government of the day to ensure that East End Primary School receives all the necessary tools and resources needed to deliver quality education to our children.
  • Liaise with the Principal and Parent Teacher Association (PTA) leaders to assess the needs of the primary school and children and have them reasonably addressed and rectified.